University of Oregon CIS Department

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University of Oregon's CIS Department has 58 courses with 2695 course notes documents available
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All CIS Courses (58)
128 Documents • Unknown, Notes, Test prep, Lab, Essay, Homework Help
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60 Documents • Unknown, Notes, Homework Help, Lab, Assignment, Test prep
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273 Documents • Unknown, Homework Help, Notes, Test prep
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644 Documents • Unknown, Notes, Test prep, Lab, Assessment, Homework Help, Essay, Assignment
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52 Documents • Homework Help, Unknown, Lab, Test prep
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57 Documents • Notes, Homework Help, Unknown, Test prep
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Sample CIS Documents
6 pages

lab1 | Fall 2008

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 170 Science Of Computing
Type: Notes
Professors: Staff
47 pages

L4-ArtificialNeurons_Annotated (1).pdf | Spring 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 615 615
5 pages

intro_432.pdf | Spring 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 432 432
8 pages

ThirdAssignment.cpp | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS DATA STRUC Data Structures
8 pages

SecondAssignmentExample.cpp | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS DATA STRUC Data Structures
4 pages

FirstAssignment.cpp | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS DATA STRUC Data Structures
7 pages Lab - Using Wireshark to Examine HTTP and HTTPS Traffic.docx | Summer 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 285
4 pages

HW1.pdf | Summer 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 670
2 pages

MET_CS546-A1_Spring-2019_Quantitative-Methods-for-Information-Systems.doc | Summer 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 546 546
42 pages

01a-Intro-322se.pdf | Fall 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 322 322
2 pages

Midterm-review.pdf | Fall 2021

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 322 322
6 pages

20181206080519717.pdf | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS ALGORITHMS Algorithms
3 pages

20181026092132147.pdf | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS ALGORITHMS Algorithms
1 page

HW 1-1.pdf | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS ALGORITHMS Algorithms
2 pages

AMATH383_W18_HW2.tex | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS ALGORITHMS Algorithms
1 page

AMATH383_W18_HW6.tex | Fall 2019

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS ALGORITHMS Algorithms
60 pages

vertopal.com_HW1_HansPrieto_ipynb_(version_2).pdf | Spring 2022

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 423
7 pages

vertopal.com_Hans_Prieto_w22_final_wrangling_handout.pdf | Spring 2022

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 423
13 pages

vertopal.com_Hans_Prieto_w22_final_tuning_handout.pdf | Spring 2022

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 423
7 pages

vertopal.com_Hans_Prieto_w22_midterm2_handout.pdf | Spring 2022

School: University of Oregon
Course Title: CIS 423
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